2 Snags to Be Aware of During a CRM Migration

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

Discover two common challenges during a CRM migration and how to address them effectively to make sure your project stays on track.


Hi there! This is Krista Moon, President of Ascend Business Growth.

Today, we're going to talk about two snags to be aware of during a CRM migration. These two things can slow down the process, so being aware of them can help you accurately predict and project how long the project will take for your milestones and timelines.

Snag #1: Strategy Slowdowns

A lot of important business decisions need to be made during the migration process. Understanding that getting consensus across multiple stakeholders can take time is an important part of the process.

Snag #2: Bad Data

If your data is spread across multiple platforms and hasn’t been well-maintained, it can take a lot of time to get it ready for import. Understanding the current state of your data and being prepared for a little extra time to get it ready is another important step to ensure you're hitting your timelines.

If you'd like to learn more about how to optimize your sales data, check out our CRM Migration Accelerator Workshop—the link is in the description.

We’ll see you in the next video!



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