Learn how to build a sales data strategy that improves processes, segments audiences, and sets your team up for success.
Hey there. This is Krista Moon, president of Ascend Business Growth. Today, we will discuss eight questions to ask yourself when optimizing your sales data or starting a CRM migration project.
As you review these eight questions, remember that the data we're talking about is not just data points. These are the actual companies and people you want to do business with. It's essential to carefully consider how you will use this data and communicate with these people using your CRM or whatever process you use to manage your sales data.
1) Why Now?
The first question to ask yourself is, why now? What's the problem? What friction points are you experiencing that make you feel like you can't handle this way of doing business anymore and need to invest in changing your process?
2) What is success?
The second question to ask yourself is, what does success looks like to you? One of the questions I like to ask my customers and prospects and people I do business with is, at the end of this investment, what would make you feel like this is the best thing you could have ever done for your business?
3) What Reports?
The third thing to consider is what reports and dashboards do you want to get out of your data that you're not currently able to get.
4) What Data?
And that leads into the fourth point, which is what information do you need to collect about your prospects and customers to build those reports.
5) Current Process?
That leads us to number five: what is your current process for managing your data? Where does it come from? And once it gets into wherever you put it, what is the process for using it?
6) Target Audience?
Number six is who your target audience is. This detail will help segment the database so that you can communicate personalized to specific groups of people for better sales outcomes. For example, you need to understand your target audience and enable segmentation using job titles, roles, industries, number of employees, annual revenue, or other demographic or psychographic information.
7) Sales data users?
Number seven defines who will use the sales data and how they need to use it. What features and functions do they need access to to streamline their own personal daily work processes?
8) Who will be the admin?
And number eight is an essential piece of information: who will administrate your CRM? Someone has to own this project. They have to be in charge of the data, how it gets in, that it's clean, has integrity, and can deliver the reports and dashboards. They need to be the person that is going to onboard, make sure everyone knows exactly what to do and how to use the system.
To learn more about optimizing your sales data, check out our CRM Migration Accelerator workshops in the description.
We'll see you in the next video!