Business Growth Blog

Articles by Alice Heiman, Guest Blogger

Alice Heiman, Guest Blogger

Alice Heiman is the Founder and Chief Sales Officer of Alice Heiman, LLC, providing sales coaching, training, and speaking. Working with companies of every size, Alice provides the strategy and tactics for companies to increase their sales. Some of her clients include; Intuit, Donsuemor, St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, UTC Fire & Security, KPMG, University of Nevada,, and First Centennial Title Co. Alice will show you a simple process that fits your style to generate leads, handle objections, close the deal and retain customers.

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Top 10 Ways to Build Your LinkedIn Network

Take advantage of a great networking and relationship management tool, LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a very powerful tool when used correctly. But just “being” on LinkedIn is not enough. Having a profile on LinkedIn will get you about the same thing as going to a party and standing in the corner. Someone might come up to you, but you can’t expect any results. If you want to get results you have to learn to utilize the tool to interact and commit to doing it.

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