Business Growth Blog

Articles by Krista Moon

Krista Moon

Krista Moon, President of Ascend Business Growth, specializes in digital marketing strategies that deliver qualified sales leads. She delivers thousands of leads to small businesses by helping them get discovered, build a following, and become thought leaders in their industry.

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2 Examples of How to Make Sales Prospecting Easier

As salespeople, we send out a lot of sales prospecting emails. We spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find just the right words to encourage potential customers to engage with us. It's tough.

I continue to be amazed at the technology that allows us to dramatically increase our ability to engage with the right prospects at the right time in the right way.

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5 Attributes of Successful Companies: Do You Have Them?

It’s easy for business leaders to become entrenched in day-to-day operations. Time gets swallowed by constantly arising challenges and issues that need “immediate” attention.

As my Dad always tells my kids, “You have to dribble with your head up so you can see what’s happening on the court!” It’s the same in business: you have to figure out a way to juggle the day-to-day responsibilities while thinking broadly and long-term about your business.

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3 Microsoft Word ‘Review’ Features to Use When Editing Content

Every company needs to create content: web pages, proposals, presentations, blog posts, ebooks, emails, etc. Without a solid process, collaborating with others to develop content can be very cumbersome and clunky. It can take much longer and be more difficult than it needs to.

Microsoft Word has some features that can help streamline the content editing process and increase efficiency.

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How Creating Marketing Content is Like Recording an Album

One fall day I jumped on my bike (bicycle that is) to take a nice 15 mile ride in Northern Michigan. As I was enjoying the fall colors, I turned on my tunes to Octane on Sirius radio. The DJ was interviewing Flyleaf about their new album, Between the Stars.

As I was listening to the interview, a thought popped into my head: these songs are content, with a goal of driving a following and increasing sales.

That's the same exact thing any company needs to do: Create content that drives followers and sales.

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Example of How Your Online Presence Directly Impacts Sales

This is a true story about how a company’s website design almost cost them a deal with a Fortune 500 company. (Names and company have been changed to protect privacy.)

Sam, a salesperson (whom we’ll call Seller Sam), had a meeting with Bill, a contact from a Fortune 500 company (whom we’ll call Buyer Bill). The meeting was going great - until Buyer Bill went to Seller Sam’s company website.

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4 Reasons NOT to Do Inbound (Modern) Marketing

For most companies, changing their marketing strategies takes a significant investment in time and money. It’s a culture change.

With 61% of global Internet users researching products online, it seems like it would make sense to invest in developing a strong online presence (awesome website, blogging, social media, email marketing, downloadable content offers, etc.).

But is it really necessary for every company to go down that path? Perhaps not. Here are 4 reasons to NOT do inbound marketing:

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Integrate CRM with Email to Streamline Daily Activities

Most salespeople know they need to use a CRM (a Customer Relationship Management system, or sales database), but they dread it. It can easily seem like a bunch of time consuming data entry – and if it’s not set up right, it is. HubSpot recently did a survey, and found that on average, reps spend 1 hour and 32 minutes per day doing data entry. Yuck!

On the flip side, reps do need some way to manage all of their prospects, leads, and opportunities. And sales managers need ways to efficiently track forecasting and sales. If you think CRM is a pain, try doing it without a CRM!

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The 2 Most Effective Ways to Get New Customers

Most modern marketers will tell you that you need to invest in inbound marketing activities (blogging, email marketing, and social media) to get new customers. It will drive website traffic and leads, and your company will grow by leaps and bounds.

That is true, but what they might not tell you is that it takes time for that method alone to start generating high quality leads (and it will never generate them if you miss the mark on the kind of content you're creating). What are you supposed to do in the meantime?

We know that traditional marketing activities, like cold calling and direct mail, aren't very effective for the amount of effort you have to put in. That leaves most companies in a conundrum. They walk a fine line between traditional and modern marketing and feel frustration that nothing seems to be working.

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Examples of Smaller Monthly Inbound Marketing Plans

I recently introduced you to my ideal monthly inbound marketing plan. If you want to get the fastest results with the maximum amount of help and support, it's definitely the way to go – hands down. If you do that plan, you'll have qualified sales leads, shorter sales cycles, and increased revenue in no time.

However, there is an issue with that plan that I'd like to address – it can be too much of an investment in time and money for a small company.

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Example of Marketing Mistakes That Can Sink Your Company Growth

I was recently contacted by a company that needed some help fixing a problem they were having with their marketing. When I looked at their analytics, I was quite shocked. This is what I saw:

*Disclaimer:Ascend Business Growth was not involved in these results!

My contact (we’ll call her Sally) said that things were going pretty smoothly, but about a year-and-a-half ago they decided to take it up a notch. They hired a company to help them with their marketing strategies, including blogging and social media.

Sally was expecting things to increase at a faster rate, but unfortunately the scale tilted the wrong way. What the heck happened?

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