Creating a Pitch Deck: Essential Slides, Tips and Templates

 Sophia Lundstrom  0 Comments

After connecting with a potential investor and booking a meeting, you might think now what? How can I sell my company to this investor? You'll need a solid pitch deck with information on your company. While you could go into every detail because you know your business inside and out, investors don't want to sit and listen to you go on and on. They want to know why you'd be a good investment for them.

Creating a Pitch Deck: Essential Slides, Tips and Templates

Table of Contents

Cover Slide

Purpose: Introduce your business.

Include basic information such as the name and value proposition. Think of it as an elevator pitch. You're trying to pique investors' interest in the product or service you are selling. Remember, your introduction should only be 30-60 seconds long. Make it brief and to the point.

Example: Hyphen Pitch Deck

Cover Slide

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Purpose: Highlight the issues your consumers face.

Identify 2-3 significant problems that your target customers encounter. This slide should convince investors of the real need for your product or service.

Example: nodal Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Show how your product or service solves these problems.

Describe how your offering addresses the issues mentioned. If possible, include testimonials or endorsements from satisfied customers to add credibility.

Example: WASAMUNDI Pitch Deck


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Market Size and Growth Potential

Purpose: Validate the market opportunity.

This is where you’ll need to do some research. Provide an overview of the market size and potential. Include data on market trends, target customer segments, and growth projections. To bring this research to life use charts, graphs, bullet points, or numbers to present the data. This information not only validates your business idea but also helps investors understand the potential ROI and scalability of your venture.

Example: Carelulu Pitch Deck

Market Size

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Purpose: Illustrate your product or service in action.

If you are selling a portable product, bring it in and show them what it does in real-time. If your product isn’t portable, add pictures or videos of your product to this slide with highlights of its features.

If you're selling a service, add an example slide of your service in action with a point on how you help your customer. It would be even better if you could share an overview of your work with a client to showcase that.

Example: StudioLabs Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Differentiate your business from competitors.

Identify your main competitors and highlight what sets your product or service apart. Emphasize your unique selling points, particularly if you're in a saturated market.

Example: claap Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Showcase your company's progress.

If you're beyond the idea stage, share major milestones and achievements. This slide should demonstrate your company's growth and evolution, providing concrete evidence of success.

Example: stripe Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Introduce your key team members.

Highlight the experience and expertise of your core team. This gives investors confidence in the people driving the business and their ability to execute the business plan.

Example: tripsuit Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Present your company's financial health.

Provide current financial statements, details of closed deals, sales figures, and growth projections. This slide should offer a clear picture of your financial stability and future potential.

Example: Mint Pitch Deck


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Purpose: Outline your funding needs and usage.

Specify the amount of investment you're seeking and detail how you plan to use the funds. Explain how this investment will help achieve your growth objectives.

Example: Airbnb Pitch Deck


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Tips for an Effective Pitch Deck

  • Keep it concise: Aim for clarity in each slide.
  • Use visuals: Graphs, charts, and images can make your data more compelling and easier to understand.
  • Tell a story: Weave a narrative that connects each slide, making the overall pitch more engaging.
  • Practice your pitch: Rehearse your presentation to ensure smooth delivery, and be prepared to answer questions confidently.

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You can always use PowerPoint or Google Slides to create your pitch deck, but here are some websites that offer templates:

Envato Elements

This website offers pitch deck templates that can give you a starting point while maintaining an overall theme and professional look. However, you'll need to pay for a subscription to access these templates.

VIP Graphics

This is another great resource for pitch deck templates. This website charges per template, ranging from $2 to $44 (one-time fee).


Canva has thousands of templates to choose from. Some are free, and the pro templates require a subscription.

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