How to Use LinkedIn Groups to Get Sales Leads

 Krista Moon  0 Comments

How to Use LinkedIn Groups to Get Sales

A couple of months ago, I decided I wanted to start actually communicating with my online network, and I thought LinkedIn groups would be a good place to do that.

It wasn’t long before, lo and behold, I started to get some sales leads from my efforts.

I don’t just go into Linkedin groups willy-nilly. I have a purpose, and truthfully, it’s not necessarily to sell. But the cool thing is, once you start putting yourself out there and getting to know people, sales start to happen. That’s what networking is about though, right?

Here are 4 really great reasons to start engaging in LinkedIn groups:

  1. Market Research: You can ask peers questions and get sage advice that will help you be better at your job.
  2. Get Recognized: When you ask a great question or provide a valuable answer to someone else’s question, people will check out your profile to learn more about who you are.
  3. Gain Followers: When you interact intelligently in LinkedIn groups, you’ll start developing credibility and people will want to hear more of what you have to say.
  4. Blog Topics: If you need blog topics, just peruse some groups. Seriously. There is a plethora of subjects you can expand on based on the variety of questions and answers posted there.

So far, here’s what I found works best for using LinkedIn for prospecting and lead generation:

Focus on helping people more than selling, be authentic, facilitate intelligent conversations, be kind, and a little strategic.

If you do that, people will like you, trust you, and want to learn more about you. Simple.


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