Business Growth Blog

3 Reasons Why People Unsubscribe From Emails

When I talk to business owners (and some marketers) about email marketing, the first thing they say is “I don’t want to send too much email to my list. I just want to do once a quarter, or once a month.” People are very protective of their inbox. They’re already overloaded with work and overwhelmed with the amount of information flowing their way.

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Email Attrition Happens, but It’s Not All Bad

There’s no denying it: every time you send an email newsletter to your list, the number of subscribers you have goes down. In the world of email marketing, we call it your email attrition. You can’t prevent email attrition; it’s going to happen no matter what you do. Typically, companies lose approximately 25% of their email list every year. On the surface, that sounds pretty bad! But it’s actually not.

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Choosing the Right Fonts: Understanding Typography Basics

You might think that understanding typography is only important for a graphic designer, but everyone uses fonts. In the business world, executives and sellers frequently have to put together presentations, proposals, business plans, and more - and they don’t always have the luxury of having a graphic designer at the ready to help them.

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[Video] Sales Limerick - Sellers Who Don’t Blog

My friend Jill Konrath, sales strategist, speaker, and author of 3 bestselling sales books put a message on LinkedIn asking for people to submit sales limericks for a project she’s working on. It got my wheels turning, and I ended up coming up with something. Here it is!

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Technology That Directly Impacts Your Sales Growth

Technology. Love it or hate it, it’s part of our world now. The right sales and marketing technology will help you get discovered, build credibility and trust, attract followers, and increase qualified sales leads.

However, it requires a holistic approach. One component is worthless without the other. If you don’t have ALL of the following technological capabilities, you’ll likely end up sorely disappointed in your sales growth.

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11 Qualities of a Good Blog Strategy

Don't waste resources writing blog articles that don't help you get new business. The best results come from a holistic blog strategy.

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How to Find a Niche Market

The biggest problems I see sales teams face by not having a clearly defined niche market, or target prospect, is a lack of focus on who their supposed to call on and an inability to create strong sales messages that get meetings. And when you’re eager to work with any kind of company that walks through the door, it’s very easy to get monopolized by customers that take too much time for not enough money.

Here are 3 tips you can use to help you define your niche market.

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2 Ways Small Businesses Can Reduce Inbound Marketing Costs

Inbound marketing can get costly. So how can you afford it, especially if you’re a small business? Here are 2 ways to reduce your inbound marketing costs:

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What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a lead capture web page. It has a form that a website visitor has to fill out in order to get a special offer, like a coupon, discount, ebook, video, or some other type of valuable content.

The landing page conversion rate is the percentage of people that fill out the form.

Here's the most important part: Once a website visitor fills out the form, they get entered into your database and can be followed up on by a salesperson or furthered nurtured until they're ready for a sales call.

Landing pages are the lifeblood of online lead generation.

Here's an example of what a landing page looks like:

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Does Social Media Really Help Drive Sales?

Many people have doubts about whether or not social media can help drive sales. They think that “their prospects” aren’t using it, that people don’t pay attention to things being posted there, or that it’s all about “what someone had for lunch.” The truth is that the Internet is full - almost too full - of awesome information. My daughter says that if it’s not on the Internet, it must not exist! She truly believes that.

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