Business Growth Blog

Social Media Results: Consistent vs. Haphazard Engagement

After the launch of my new website in August, 2013, I knew the next step was to start blogging and get more involved in social media. I do it for my clients all the time and consistently bring in website traffic and contacts, so I know it works.

I struggle the same as everyone else though - I get so involved in client work that my own marketing gets pushed off until later. Now, here it is, Friday morning, and I'm finally writing a blog which should have been done much earlier in the week.

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Achieved Average Web Conversion Rate of 52% Over 6 Months

Web conversion rate refers to the rate at which website visitors convert into leads.

This metric is determined by how many people download special content offers from your website. The website visitor has to fill out a form on a special page called a landing page in order to get access to your ebook, guide, kit, webinar, etc.

This report shows that we create landing pages that have high web conversion rates.

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Starting Social Media: Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

These days social media is a critical marketing channel for attracting new customers. It’s the new reality. However, just having a social media account doesn’t help at all. It’s what you say on social media - and how frequently - that’s important.

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Steadily Building a Following Using Content and Social Media

You can have the best content offers in the world on your website, but if no one knows they're there, they won’t get you any leads.

That’s why promoting the content you create wide and far is critical for lead generation. Building a following gives you an opportunity to promote your content to an increasingly bigger audience.

Here’s an example of how we are consistently helping this client build a following.

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