Business Growth Blog


The Essential Content Strategy Framework for Growth Companies in 2025

Discover the essential content strategy framework companies must adopt to thrive in 2025.

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4 Sales Content Ideas Guaranteed to Engage Prospects

Find out how sales content can take prospects from not knowing anything about you to wanting to meet with you.

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Creating Content at Scale: Fast & Cheap or Invest in Quality?

Here are two approaches to creating quality content at scale that attracts and engages your target buyer now and for many years to come.

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Why Blogging Is Important for Business Growth

Good, consistent blogging takes a lot of time, resources, and money to produce articles that your prospects will want to read. Is it worth the effort?

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8 Characteristics of a Top-Notch Business Blog

The most successful business blogs share the following eight characteristics. How does your blog strategy stack up?

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4 Ways a Marketing Blog Can Help You Increase Sales

Blogging isn't just a marketing activity: it's the foundation of sales and marketing. Here's how to use blog articles to increase sales.

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Example of How Blogging Benefits Organic Website Traffic

Blogging is a powerful way to improve your online presence. You can pay for traffic via paid ads, but once you stop paying, you stop showing up in search results. Or, you pay to create an article one time, and it can drive traffic to your website for years and years. Literally. Here are real examples of organic search results from three companies that blog consistently, inconsistently, or not at all.

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Role of a Blog Manager (And Why You Need One)

More and more companies are starting to see the value of blogging as a means to build credibility and trust and guide prospects through the buyer journey. Companies that blog get more website traffic and leads. Period.

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Do This to Get Over the Hump of Starting a Blog

There are a lot of savvy business leaders and industry experts out there that don’t blog. Unfortunately, their hard-earned “intellect” is not being used to its full potential.

For a company blog to be a profitable investment, leaders and experts from across the organization need to take ownership and participate. Prospects and customers don’t want to read boring blogs that anyone could write by doing a little research online. They want to hear real stories, experiences, and ideas from experts in the field.

Blogging is a long-game strategy that takes practice, dedication, and patience, so it can be easy to put off. But the longer you wait to get started, the longer it will take to get results. (And the more time your competitors have to steal your thunder!)

Here are a few ideas to get over the hump and start blogging now.

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3 Ways to Ease the Burden of Blogging

The thought of sitting down, hashing out ideas and forming them into a blog post for your business blog is daunting. It’s so hard to find the time and make it a priority! I even struggle myself: do I do client work or my own blog?

For example, as I’m writing this, I feel a lot of pressure because I have a meeting tomorrow that I HAVE to prepare for. Technically, I should be doing that right now. Instead, I’m writing this blog because I know it is a critical part of my business growth strategy.

So that begs the question: how do you find time to blog in an already over-worked schedule? Here are 3 ways you can ease the burden and make blogging easier.

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