Business Growth Blog

Strategy Tactics

Marketing Strategy Trends Small Business Should Embrace

Understanding the evolving landscape of digital marketing is crucial for small businesses. It's not just about the platforms and tools but also about the changing consumer behaviors and preferences.

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What it Takes to Hit the Next Level of Company Growth

During a webinar with Hustle Fund, Gaurav Agarwal, Chief Growth Officer at ClickUp (valued at $4b), shared valuable insights on getting to $3M ARR. Here's a recap of some of the key points about how to drive aggressive growth during the early phase of a business:

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Unleash the Power of CRO Marketing for More Leads and Quick Wins

Work smarter, not harder! CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization. In layman's terms, that means striving to get better results from what you are already doing by optimizing your performance, and who doesn't want that? Here's a breakdown of CRO marketing and how it can rapidly ramp up user engagement, conversion rates, and leads.

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Adopting Agile Marketing for Consistent and Profitable Business Growth

Here’s a brief overview of how agile marketing principles can transform how sales and marketing teams operate, enabling them to maximize efficiency and consistently meet revenue and business growth objectives.

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Ways to Attract More Sales Leads Using Irrisistable Offers

Here's an overview of using high-value content to connect with your audience and convert more leads.

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8 Progressive Business Growth Strategies

It can be challenging to step out of the grind of everyday work to attend conferences, but in a fast-paced industry like marketing, it's vital to stay up on the trends. I went to HyperGrowth in Boston a while back, a marketing conference put on by Drift, a technology company that focuses on bots and conversational marketing. There was a good mix of motivational, strategic, and tactical ideas and insights about success and growing a business.

I took notes during the presentations and recapped the key takeaways in this article. Here are eight progressive business growth strategies that the speakers discussed throughout the day. The overarching theme between HyperGrowth and Inbound (an adjacent marketing conference) was customer experience.

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Investing in Your Online Presence is Critical for Business Growth

The first place potential customers will learn about your business is most likely from your social media profiles or website. What they see there will either engage them and make them want to learn more or turn them away. If your online presence is weak, you’re putting your company at a huge disadvantage and missing out on business opportunities. Here are a few stats that show why it’s critical to invest in your online presence:

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Marketing Tactics Every Business Should Avoid Like the Plague

You know what they say: You have to spend money to make money. But finding the right marketing tactics to invest in can be tricky, and the consequences have a huge impact on an organization’s growth trajectory - either positively or negatively.

Here are 2 common ways businesses often lose money on their marketing investments. Avoid them like the plague!

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The 2 Most Effective Ways to Get New Customers

Most modern marketers will tell you that you need to invest in inbound marketing activities (blogging, email marketing, and social media) to get new customers. It will drive website traffic and leads, and your company will grow by leaps and bounds.

That is true, but what they might not tell you is that it takes time for that method alone to start generating high quality leads (and it will never generate them if you miss the mark on the kind of content you're creating). What are you supposed to do in the meantime?

We know that traditional marketing activities, like cold calling and direct mail, aren't very effective for the amount of effort you have to put in. That leaves most companies in a conundrum. They walk a fine line between traditional and modern marketing and feel frustration that nothing seems to be working.

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Example of Marketing Mistakes That Can Sink Your Company Growth

I was recently contacted by a company that needed some help fixing a problem they were having with their marketing. When I looked at their analytics, I was quite shocked. This is what I saw:

*Disclaimer:Ascend Business Growth was not involved in these results!

My contact (we’ll call her Sally) said that things were going pretty smoothly, but about a year-and-a-half ago they decided to take it up a notch. They hired a company to help them with their marketing strategies, including blogging and social media.

Sally was expecting things to increase at a faster rate, but unfortunately the scale tilted the wrong way. What the heck happened?

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