HubSpot CRM & Sales Onboarding

Choose the Level of Support that is Right for You

*Includes a FREE planning and kick-off meeting!

1. Guided

You do it with our guidance.

20 service hours to support and guide your onboarding process via working meetings, feedback, advice, and recommendations to help you bootstrap a CRM that is set up for growth. 


2. Collaborative Onboarding

We do it together.

40 service hours to support and guide your onboarding process via working meetings and as-needed supportive services. We pick up the pieces that you don't have the time, skills, or resources to do.


3. Turnkey

We do it for you.

60 service hours for full supportive services to stand up your new CRM. You stay focused on the revenue line, and let us handle the time-sucking details.


*HubSpot purchased separately. Scroll for more details and terms. ↓


  • CRM Configuration
  • Data Import and Consolidation
  • Prospecting Views and Lists
  • Pipeline Development
  • Dashboards and Reports
  • Training

*Note: Additional charges may be required to fully meet your onboarding objectives.

How We Charge

  • We discuss and agree upon the priorities and objectives that you need help with to effectively onboard and use the CRM.
  • Each agenda item is translated into a task in Asana project manager to track progress and communication.
  • Time spent on each client meeting or task is tracked minute-to-minute using Harvest time tracker.
  • We regularly check in with you to share how progress measures against the projections and if there are any friction points slowing things down.


  • Payment due upon receipt
  • Each company is different in the level of service and support they need. Additional hours can be purchased if needed to complete the onboarding process.
  • Service hours are available for 12 months from purchase date.

Not Sure What You Need?

No worries! We are here to help.